Why People Hate Outgrowing Their Home (and How to Make It Better)

Kelly Crawford


As your family grows and your children get older, you may feel like your home is no longer meeting your needs. You may even start to resent your home because it does not have the space or amenities you want or need. But there are ways to make outgrowing your home easier and even turn it into a positive experience. Read on to learn why people hate outgrowing their home and how to make it better.

Why people hate outgrowing their home

If you are like most people in California, you probably don’t like the idea of outgrowing your home. After all, your home is your haven — a place where you can relax, unwind, and escape the stresses of the outside world. What's more, it is situated in a prime location. Why would you want to leave all that behind? But the truth is, as our families grow and our needs change, sometimes our homes just don’t cut it anymore. And while it is tough to leave a place that holds so many memories, there are ways to make the transition easier. But first, here is a look at why people hate outgrowing their homes.

It impacts your family, time, and energy

Outgrowing your home can negatively affect your family, your time, and your energy. When you are cramped with space, finding a place for everyone and everything can be hard. This can lead to arguments, stress, and a general feeling of being overwhelmed. Additionally, if you are considering moving to a bigger home, the time commitment can be a deterrent. Not only do you have to sell your current home, find a new one, and secure it, but you also have to hire a REALTOR®, a home stager, photographers, videographers, movers, decorators, and other real estate professionals to help you sell and get settled in. 

It takes an emotional toll

In addition to the fact that outgrowing your home negatively impacts your family, your time, and your energy, outgrowing your home can be significantly challenging from an emotional standpoint. 

When you first find the perfect piece of real estate, it seems like it will be yours forever. You imagine growing old with your family or even passing it down to future generations. But as time passes, your needs and desires change. Your family may grow larger, or you may want more room for hobbies and entertainment. It can be tough to come to terms with the fact that it is time to move on from your beloved home. It is natural to have feelings of attachment and nostalgia, but it is important to remember that outgrowing your home does not mean giving up those happy memories. It just means creating new ones in a bigger space that better suits your current needs and lifestyle.

How to make it better

There are several things you can do to make outgrowing your home easier:

1. Try to declutter as much as possible. This will help you feel like you have more space for the time you remain in the home, making it easier to move when the time comes.

2. Talk to your family about their needs and wants so that everyone is on the same page about what to look for in a new home.

3. While feeling sad or nostalgic when leaving your old home behind is normal, there are ways to make the emotional shift easier. One way is to create a "memory box" for each family member. This can be a box or album filled with photos, mementos, and other items to help you remember all the good times you had in your home.

4. Focus on all the exciting new things that await you in your new home, like more space, updated features, and closer proximity to loved ones. By looking at the move as an opportunity for new beginnings, you'll be able to ease into the transition much more smoothly.

Making the most of your new home

Once you have finally made a move into your new home, it is time to start making it your own. One way to do this is by personalizing each room with items that reflect your style and personality. This could include anything from photos and artwork to furniture and décor items. You should also take some time to get organized so that your new home feels calm and inviting instead of cluttered and chaotic. Finally, do not forget to reach out to your neighbors—after all, they will be the ones who help turn your house into a true home.

It is normal to outgrow your home as your family grows and changes over time. However, staying in a home you have outgrown can have negative effects on your family, time, energy, and mental and emotional health. Luckily, there are ways to make the experience easier. By taking the steps mentioned in this article, you can minimize the negative consequences of outgrowing your home and transform the experience into a positive one for the whole family.

Partner with an expert REALTOR®

Moving into a new home does not have to be overwhelming or stressful. If you plan ahead and take things one step at a time, it can actually be quite enjoyable. If you are thinking about moving soon and want to learn more about selling Orinda real estate or new Orinda homes for sale, get in touch with professional real estate agent Kelly Crawford. Having served 20+ years as a top Orinda REALTOR®, Kelly has plenty of experience working with clients who are ready to stop being overwhelmed by their current home and move on to the next phase of their homeownership journey. Contact Kelly today.


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